Akita Business Solutions - Laptop Batteries, 
        Lithium Ion Batteries, Laptop Chargers, Printer Continuous Ink Systems


Corona Virus  Damaged your Security?

In reality no Job is Secure

Reality has come home to most that the job is no longer secure. Another reality is that if your job is gone you just may find you cannot get another job. So what now?

You might as well accept reality and start seriously looking to generate your own income.

Generating your own income means you will have to sell your skills or move some products that you are comfortable with to generate a turnover.

Feel Marketing is not Your Thing?

Maybe you feel marketing is not your thing? Do you have a choice? You have to market your skills or products to generate an income.  Best accept the fact that you will need to get good at it and start learning.

We are an exclusive business group whose focus is to help individuals develop their skills to exploit a manufacturer's business model and product range for mutual profit.

Members of our business group share ideas, training and marketing skills to assist in developing a strong and profitable businesses.

There are no GET RICH Schemes that don't involve New Skills and Training and No Effort

Check out  www.akitabn.co.za for more info

Any business takes serious work especially when you get stated. You need to develop new skills. Ideally you should have access to the Internet especially now with a lockdown. 

If you are really serious about changing you circumstances and would like to get involved here is what we expect you to do before we let you join us.

You must be prepared to investigate our business model  properly.

You will need to invest time and small money (at you discretion) to up your skills and study the business model.  Being around business entrepreneurs changes your mindset, helps you to set goals to move forward. You will be developing yourself  being You (Pty) Ltd

Want to find out more?  Email us at abn@akita.co.za.  Let us know a bit about you, location age and what line of work you are currently engaged in.

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